Issues Teen Life Kids and Teens

A forum for the top international issues facing youth today. Allows young people to share their opinions and listen to the stories of others.

    Top: Kids and Teens: Teen Life: Issues

See Also:
  • Teen Matters - Information on stress, depression, body image, suicide, drugs and alcohol, bullying and relationships.
  • Violence Intervention Project - By youth and for youth, this site uses teen life words kids and teens and images to explore youth violence, including teen life bullying, racism, kids and teens homophobia and sex discrimination.
  • ReportSomeone - Allows young people to report violence, illegal activity, issues sexual abuse and suicide threats anonymously. Includes information, issues links, statistics and report forms.
  • KidSPEAK - Provides information on censorship in America and ways to oppose it. Includes Harry Potter and school related cases, a letters section, quiz, and monthly e-newsletter for members.
  • In the Mix - The on-line companion to the PBS broadcast. In the mix issues is a PBS television show dealing with teen issues.
  • Global Youth Voices - Uses art, photography, and stories to explore and issues express how issues teenagers see the world and issues what they want to issues do about it. Features issues action projects, details of advisors and issues online discussions.
  • Seeds of Peace - Organization that helps teenagers from regions of conflict learn the teen life skills of making peace. Event calendar, news, articles, ways to teen life help, information, and camp opportunities.
  • UNICEF - Voices of Youth - A forum for the top international issues facing kids and teens kids and teens youth today. Allows young people to share their kids and teens kids and teens opinions and listen to the stories of others.
  • Eye on Education: Students' Voices - Information on the Education Reform Act, No Child issues Left Behind, issues local events, and student diaries produced issues by YWCA\'s Youth Voice issues Collaborative.
  • Stand Up for Student Rights with ISRA - Contains essays of members voicing opinions and allows issues students to kids and teens come together to solve problems and issues deal with issues.
  • Beyond Extreme - Addresses the physical, emotional and spiritual areas of life from issues a teen perspective. Offers message boards, chat, advice, music and issues video.
  • The Teen Connection - Addresses issues such as teen pregnancy, abuse, depression issues and suicide.
  • - Provides a monthly magazine and digital library to kids and teens issues help overcome obstacles in personal, family and community kids and teens issues life. Includes past issues and a guide to kids and teens issues safe web surfing.
  • The Pro-Youth Pages - Examines ageism directed against youth - from legal teen life age teen life restrictions to stereotypes in pop-culture.
  • Youth Unlimited/Toronto YFC - As a Christian agency, we believe in the issues unlimited potential kids and teens of youth and are committed to issues helping them holistically, both kids and teens personally and spiritually.
  • Victory Over Violence - Addresses the alarming escalation of violence and decreasing respect for kids and teens life.
  • YouthWeb Online - Youngsters, teens and adults from diverse backgrounds and kids and teens teen life communities fight against bias, bigotry and prejudice. Report kids and teens teen life hate-related incidents, get information about hate crimes, school kids and teens teen life violence, and human rights issues.
  • Youth Alive - Programs by and for teens to reduce violence issues in kids and teens communities and schools.
  • Rock the Vote - Dedicated to keeping teens informed about issues affecting their lives. teen life Explains the importance of voting.
  • Mix It Up - Program to help teens promote racial tolerance in issues their schools. kids and teens Includes FAQs, stories, steps to take, issues e-newsletter, polls, youth activist kids and teens groups, and free Mix issues It Up at Lunch Day starter kids and teens pack.

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